Why Motherwort is one of the best herbs for increasing fertility


Motherwort, also known as Mother’s Herb, is a perennial plant in the mint family that is used as a remedy for female reproductive disorders. It not only addresses reproductive issues but also plays a significant role in heart health, making it an ideal ingredient for heart tonics. A Chinese study specifically found that Motherwort reduces clotting and fat levels in the blood, while also effectively alleviating heart palpitations and rapid heartbeat.

Among the various herbs available, Motherwort holds a special place in my heart due to its ability to meet women’s emotional needs. I frequently recommend it to women experiencing anxiety related to childbirth. Additionally, it can enhance fertility, strengthen and relax uterine muscles, and alleviate uterine cramping.

Motherwort is also beneficial for individuals dealing with painful menstruation, known as dysmenorrhea, which is caused by uterine contractions. It can help alleviate associated conditions such as hot flashes, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, headache, dizziness, stress, and sleep difficulties.

This remarkable herb mildly stimulates the uterus while promoting its efficient functioning. Women with amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation) are advised to use Motherwort to restore their menstrual cycle. In fact, it is my go-to herb for treating amenorrhea. This effect is attributed to the presence of leonurine, a compound found in Motherwort known for its ability to relax blood vessel walls. Leonurine also aids uterine contractions and facilitates menstruation, particularly in cases where anxiety and tension are present. Additionally, Motherwort boasts antioxidant properties and contains anti-inflammatory compounds.

As mentioned earlier, Motherwort has a significant impact on alleviating nervous conditions such as depression, postpartum depression, anxiety, stress, menopausal anxiety, sleep disorders, headaches, and other emotional interactions.

During early labor, pregnant women can benefit from using Motherwort, as it eases labor pains and calms the nerves after childbirth. When combined with Dong Quai, it serves as a menstrual regulator.

It’s important to note that Motherwort should not be used for menstrual cramps when experiencing heavy bleeding, and it should be avoided during pregnancy due to its uterine tonic and stimulating effects, which can induce mild uterine contractions.

While it is a powerful herb for uterine and heart health, Motherwort also possesses sedative effects, which can alleviate muscle spasms and aid in the treatment of conditions such as rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, and overactive thyroid.

At Reprovive, we offer Motherwort leaves, commonly used to make tea. To prepare the tea, add 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb to 1 cup of boiling water, steep for 10-15 minutes, and consume three cups a day. Keep in mind that Motherwort has a strong bitter taste, but it can also be used to create a potent topical tincture. When cooled, the tea can be applied topically for inflammatory conditions.

In summary, Motherwort can be used to address the following conditions:

  • Depression, anxiety, and stress associated with the menstrual cycle or daily life
  • Amenorrhea (absent menstrual cycle)
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
  • Uterine fibroids (best when combined with other herbs)
  • Ovarian cysts (best when combined with other herbs)
  • Endometriosis (best when combined with other herbs)
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (best when combined with other herbs)

For a general menopause tonic, combine 3 parts Vitex berries, 2 parts Motherwort, 2 parts fresh milk wild oat seed, 1 part Dong Quai root, 1 part wild yam root, 1 part false unicorn root, and

Chinonso Anyaehie

Chinonso Anyaehie

Natural Fertility Expert & Educator